DESCRIPTIONS ( mayTargetDamage : may target damage; targetingNote: targeted damage can target anyone as long as front is in range; moveNote: move abilities are used during phase after spells and before targeted damage; blocksTargetedDamage : may block targeted damage; manaProd : produces X mana; moneyProd : produces X money on survival; spellsAndCard : access X spells and +1 card; spells : access X spells; stunEnemy : stun any 1 enemy until end of day cancelling activation and passive abilities but not spell card access; upkeep 1 : consumes X mana at start of day or dies; ) UNITS ( Knight ( cost 2; health 13c; damage 3c; range 1-1 ) Berserker ( cost 2; health 4; damage 7c; range 1-1 ) Spearman ( cost 2c; health 9; damage 3; range 1-3 ) Archer ( cost 2; health 12c; damage 3c; range 2+ ) Crossbowman ( cost 2; health 11c; damage 4c; range 3+ ) Lancer ( cost 2; health 10c; damage 2c; range 1-2; mayTargetDamage; targetingNote ) Sniper ( cost 3c; health 6; damage 4; range 2+; mayTargetDamage ) Windmaster ( cost 3; health 12c; damage 4c; range 1-3; wind : move a friend 1 slot after see enemy order; moveNote ) Geomancer ( cost 2c; health 4; damage 2; range 1+; gate : move one friend anywhere after see enemy order; moveNote ) Siren ( cost 2c; health 5; damage 2; range 1+; taunt : move target enemy forward one slot; moveNote ) Merchant ( cost 2c; health 10; damage 1; range 1+; maxUnitCards 2 : increase max unit cards by X; sell : you may sell one unit for full price ) Farseer ( cost 3c; health 7; damage 2; range 2+; mayTargetDamage; farsee : opponent picks rest of units and defines ordering and reveals them before you pick any more ) Armorer ( cost 2c; health 3; damage 3; range 1+; armorAll 1 : all other friends +X health ) Dragoon ( cost 2; health 8c; damage 2c; range 1-2; spells elementalism; jump : move up to 1 slot after see enemy order; moveNote ) Arcanist ( cost 3c; health 4; damage 1; range 1+; manaProd 1; spells elementalism; arcany : +1 damage per friend with spell access incl. self ) Warmage ( cost 4c; health 12; damage 3; range 1+; manaProd 1; spells elementalism ) Protector ( cost 3c; health 5; damage 1; range 1-3; spells white; protect 2 : prevent X damage to front each round ) Paladin ( cost 2c; health 10; damage 2; range 1-2; spells white ) Cleric ( cost 3c; health 13; damage 1; range 1-1; manaProd 1; spells white ) Assassin ( cost 3c; health 5; damage 6; range 1-3; spells black ) Reaper ( cost 4c; health 8; damage 3; range 1-2; reapManaProd 1 : produce X mana per dying enemy; spells black ) Necromancer ( cost 3c; health 3; damage 1; range 1+; spells black; necromancy : +1 damage per dead unit; manaProd 1 ) Librarian ( cost 2c; health 4; damage 1; range 2+; manaProd 1; spellCardsOneEach : +1 spell card per deck ) Archmage ( cost 3c; health 3; damage 2; range 3+; manaProd 1; spellsAll : access all spells ) Elf ( cost 3c; health 8; damage 3; range 3+; mayTargetDamage; manaProd 1 ) Gnome ( cost 3c; health 6; damage 5; range 4+; mayTargetDamage; manaProd 1 ) Fairy (cost 3c; health 2; damage 2; range 1+; manaProd 2 ) ) ELEMENTALISM SPELLS ( Fireball ( cost 1; damage 3; hyper: pay extra 1 mana for extra 2 damage ) Lightning Bolt ( cost 2; damage 3; mayTargetDamage ) Inferno ( cost 2; damage 2c; hitsAllEnemies : hits all enemies; doubleable ) Flaming Blade ( cost 1; flamingBlade 3 : target friend deals +X damage when successfully attacking at range 1 until end of timeline ) Blitz ( cost 4; haste : target friend activates twice today and has doubled passive abilities; hyper: pay extra 2 mana to fork ) Ice Wall ( cost 2; preventDamage 5 : prevent next X damage to front ) Gale ( cost 1; push 2 : move target enemy back up to X slots; doubleable ) Tornado ( cost 2; damage 1c; relocate : move target enemy anywhere in line-up; hyper: pay extra 1 mana for extra 2 damage ) Tailwind ( cost 1; fly : move one friend anywhere in line-up ) Hurricane ( cost 3; randomize enemy ordering, must be played at start of day ) Freeze ( cost 3; damage 3; stunEnemy; forkable ) Ebb ( cost X; counter : counter a spell for its cost minus 1; interrupts ) Flow (cost 2; manaGain 4 : produce 4 mana at start of tomorrow ) ) ELEMENTALISM SUMMONINGS ( Summon Fire Elemental ( cost 5; health 4c; damage 3c; range 1+; spells elementalism; upkeep 1 ) Summon Earth Elemental ( cost 4; health 9c; damage 2c; range 1-1; spells elementalism; upkeep 1 ) Summon Lightning Elemental ( cost 6; health 6c; damage 2; range 1+; mayTargetDamage; spells elementalism; upkeep 1 ) ) WHITE SPELLS ( Shield ( cost 1; shield 2 : prevent next X damage to all friends; interrupts and reverts targeting damage; doubleable ) Protection ( cost 1; protect 3 : prevent next X damage to front; can't interrupt; hyper: pay extra 1 mana for extra 2 damage prevention ) Resurrect ( cost X; revive 2 : revive dead friend for X MP per cost ) Sanctuary ( cost 1; target enemy or friendly unit is skipped by front damage and may not be targeted by enemies and enemy spells until end of day; interrupts and reverts targeting spells and damage ) Awe ( cost 2; stunEnemy; interrupts and reverts ) Guardian ( cost 2; guardian : friends behind target friend may not be targeted by spells or damage for rest of timeline; interrupts and reverts targeting spells and damage ) Savior (cost 1; savior 4 : target friendly caster moves to front and prevents next X damage to front; hyper: pay extra 1 mana for extra 3 damage prevention ) Holy Armor ( cost 1; holyArmorBonus 2 : friend gains +X health and may not be targeted or damaged by black spells until end of timeline; doubleable; may not interrupt ) Holy Weapon ( cost 2; holyDamageBonus 3 : friend gains +X damage until end of timeline ) Blessing ( cost 1; blessing : friend gains +X damage and +Y health until end of timeline, bonusDamage 1, bonusHealth 1; doubleable ) Justice ( cost 3; justice : until end of day target enemy takes damage for all damage dealt with excessive or incomplete damage trickling to front of enemy lineup ) Smite ( cost 1; damage 1c; tripleDamageToBlack : triple damage to black summonings and casters; mayTargetDamage; doubleable ) Inquisition ( cost 2; damageForEnemyMana : deal damage equal to enemy's current mana; interrupts; may not be interrupted except by Ebb ) Guidance ( cost 2; guidance : friend may target damage with normal attack until end of timeline; targetingNote ) ) WHITE SUMMONINGS ( Summon Angel ( cost 7c; health 4; damage 2; range 1-2; shields 2 : prevent first X damage to all friends each day; interrupts and blocks targeting damage ) ) BLACK SPELLS ( Drain Health ( cost 2; drainHealth 2 : deal X damage and prevent front damage for amount dealt; mayTargetDamage; doubleable ) Touch of Death ( cost 3; touchKill : friendly caster moves to front and kills target front-most enemy right now ) Mass Decay ( cost 1; decay 1 : all enemy units -X health for rest of timeline, doubleable ) Void Flare ( cost X; voidKill : immediately kill target enemy and cost is enemy's remaining health minus 1; uninterruptable, unpreventable ) Weakness ( cost 2; weakness 3 : target enemy deals -X damage for rest of timeline; doubleable ) Curse ( cost 1; everCurse 1 : target enemy gets -X health and -X damage for rest of timeline; doubleable ) Savage ( cost 3; double target friendly's attack damage for this day ) Animation ( cost 2; bring a dead friend or enemy back to life anywhere in your line-up under your control until end of day when it dies again ) Drain Magic ( cost 1; drainMagic 1 : reduce enemy's mana by X and you gain that many mana at start of next day; interrupts and can revert spell casting; doubleable ) Deform ( cost 4; morph 3 : first pick a friend and then draw X unit cards and pick 1 to replace that friend until end of timeline ) Chaos ( cost X; castRandomSpell : draw random spell card from random spell deck and cast it for half cost round down but must cast it if possible and this spell is discarded without cost if can't afford ) Corruption ( cost 4; corruption : until end of day target enemy deals attack damage to its own side instead not limited by range and you decide target if targetable damage ) ) BLACK SUMMONINGS ( Summon Demon ( cost 4c; health 7; damage 5; range 1-3; demon : attacks both sides if not controlled; maintain : spend 2 mana at start of day or lose control permanently ) )